Saturday, January 12, 2013

Oh, Hello!

Cliché introduction post in...3....2....1....

My name is René. I'm (very recently!) married to my absolute best friend, Andrew. We live in a suburb of Buffalo New York where we both grew up and have spent our entire lives. I've been wanting to start a blog to chronicle and share our life together -- From home decor, recipes, throwing holiday parties, having in-laws over, rasing our fur-baby, trying to conceive a human one & our (struggle) to diet/get fit together.

If you know us and have been there from the beginning, you can skip the next paragraph. Otherwise, here's the (short) version of our story!

We met in 2005 thanks to a mutual friend. We were best friends for a few years and FINALLY started to date in 2008 after much "I like you.. but I don't want to ruin the friendship!" crap from both of us. One day, we just decided we were going to give it a shot. Fast forward 2 1/2 years, October 16th 2010, Andrew proposed to me at a family party. It was beautiful & just a perfect moment for us. I said yes and we began wedding planning! 2 years after that, we married on October 20th 2012. Our wedding day was the most amazing day of our entire life! Having the opportunity to vow my life to the man of my dreams in front of all the people I love meant more to me than I can even begin to describe. The look on my husband's face as I walked down the aisle will stay with me until the day I die. I love that man, I love that man, I love that man!

Now that the wedding is over and life is settling down, (thank goodness!) We're excited to focus our energy elsewhere. We moved into our apartment in April. It's a duplex on the corner of a cul-de -sac and we have had so much fun decorating, buying household items and just generally turning this beautiful place into our home. :) I'm a huge fan of DIY projects and Pinterest which has inspired quite a few little projects around the house. You can follow me on Pinterest at -->

We brought our kitty Teddy into our home in May of last year and he's brought us SO, SO much joy. We're kind of unhealthy-obsessed with him. He's literally like a child to us. We dress him for special occasions.
He walks on a leash & we take him on walks. My husband has built him a cat tower so that he can see out of the windows in our living room. Teddy had his own stocking for Christmas. I made him a Birthday cake on his Birthday... Which we also celebrate. We have a few pictures of him around the house. Yeah. We're weird. But he's a lovable little guy and we're lucky to have him as part of our family.

Speaking of our family, we're hoping to expand it soon! We're both SUPER excited to be parents to a child without whiskers (hopefully... Ha) and because of some health problems I have, we're staring sooner rather than later. I just know my husband would make an amazing father and I want SO much to be able to give my little one a beautiful life. Both of our families are incredible and our child will be so lucky to have amazing grandparents/aunts/uncles/cousins! We hope God will bless us with children and we're excited for the day it happens!

Which, brings me to our next mission -- Getting HEALTHY. We're both overweight and ready for a change. And what better time to get in shape? Since we're hoping to expand our family, we're looking to get into baby-ready shape. I, in particular, want to get in shape so that I can have a healthy pregnancy and have a healthy baby. But we're hoping the healthy habits we pick up throughout the process will help is to be better parents and raise our children to be healthy adults. Since the struggle with food has been, literally, a pain in the ass for both of us, we want our children to NEVER have to struggle with what is on their plate. We want to lead by example and we're starting now.

SO, stay tuned for all the wonderful, changes in store and in the meantime, get an insight into our life together. We're fun, we're interesting... I think? Haha. :)

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